Wednesday, November 11, 2009


What is a community?  To some it is a group of people living within the same neighborhood, city etc.  For others a community means people who share a particular trait or traits, some familiarity bring them together.  According to Webster's Online Dictionary, A community is ' a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests'.  That is but one definition, I would like to amend that to include 'for the betterment of everyone'.  The term community has become a buzzword as of late, it is being tossed around and used too loosely.  I am so honored and grateful to Osuntomi Melendez for allowing me to join the Kiko Life community.  When people come together and donate their talents, their time and their resources to a cause, a beautiful idea is birthed.  I am still new to this sim but I know Kiko Life is that community.  Yet we spend a lot of time porting from sim to sim & renting from absent property owners when everything we need is already in place.  If enough people actually were involved in ‘their community’, there would never be a boring moment in SL.  There are enough vendors to supply a variety of products, there are enough deejay’s to stream music at least 12hrs a day.  Our sense of community is shattered.  Many people with the resources tend to go and buy their own piece of SL.  They spend an enormous amount of time building their vision of their personal community where everything is centered on them instead of forming connections with others who share the same goal and making their dream a reality.  Why are we shooting ourselves in the foot?  Rent a slot to place your product, if you are a deejay then offer to stream on Sampler Saturday’s or anytime that you can spare.  SL is not all about the lindens; it is an opportunity to enhance who you are as well as who we are.  Kiko Life is an ethnic sim built from the ground up to promote culture, fellowship and networking opportunities, a true sense of a community.  Visit the website and register after visiting or revisiting the sim to see what all this community has to offer.  We are still in our infancy but with leaders, visionaries and members, Kiko Life will make true community a reality.

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